Speaker: Rev. Ruth Vann Lillian

All Because of a Pig

Samhain is the close of the pagan year, the celebration of the harvest, and the time to remember and honor our ancestors. Those who have gone before us left us valuable gifts which have helped shape our lives in small and large ways. Let us remember and celebrate! Members can join the service on Zoom … Continue reading All Because of a Pig

Death Takes a Holiday

We all face many fears, individually and collectively. As a congregation, we have been dealing with some very real, particular fears about the future of our church. Death is the big fear for all human beings, and this is the season when we let some air out of that fear by poking fun at it. … Continue reading Death Takes a Holiday

A Hole or a Skylight?

Life is full of problems from small inconveniences to major disasters and losses. How can we maintain our optimism and hold onto hope without trivializing suffering? Do we patch the hole in the roof or turn it into a skylight? Members can join the service on Zoom at 9:45 am to chat before the service … Continue reading A Hole or a Skylight?

In Over Our Heads

Ingathering is a state of mind and heart. We miss physical proximity, but we gather together in spirit and Water Communion reminds us of our deep connection to one another. Please bring two vessels, one half-filled with water, to join in the ritual on Sunday. As a congregation we may feel like we are in … Continue reading In Over Our Heads

Who Likes Pie?

Our minister, the Reverend Ruth Vann Lillian, returns to our pulpit this Sunday via a virtual sermon titled “Who Likes Pie?”. It’s time for hoping & dreaming for our fellowship’s future! Are we afraid to hope? Can we trust our dreams? Is it all “pie in the sky”? Well, I like pie! How about you? … Continue reading Who Likes Pie?

Who’s Got the Power?

Most of our UUFEC children are beginning a new school year and reuniting with their friends after a long absence from the classroom. Reverend Ruth Van Lillian and Sophia Lopez will mark this occasion with a special ritual, “Blessing of the Backpacks.” We hope our UU youth and their parents will view this segment of … Continue reading Who’s Got the Power?

What Still Matters

Our minister, the Reverend Ruth Vann Lillian returns to our pulpit this Sunday via a virtual sermon, “What Still Matters.” Everywhere we look there is pandemic chaos! It is easy to be distracted by many things that may or may not be important. We can become discouraged and lose our enthusiasm and momentum! Let’s consider … Continue reading What Still Matters

Estest Is the Worstest

The culture of “estest” is the worstest trend ever! In the wake of the Olympics, we are once again glowing in admiration of gold medal-winners, luke-warm toward silver & bronze, and oblivious to the rest of the losers who didn’t win anything. If you’re not a GOAT, you’re not worth considering! When did we lose … Continue reading Estest Is the Worstest

Make America Again

Please join us as we celebrate the start of another new church year on August 1. A prerecorded message from the Reverend Ruth Van Lillian, our new minister, will be streamed on the UUFEC Facebook page at 10:00 am. Entitled “Make America Again,” it was first delivered on this July 4th. Its themes of racial … Continue reading Make America Again