Understanding Spiritual Music from a Global Perspective
Member Loren Boyer will offer a comparison of western and non-western approaches to spiritual music. Services are also available live on our page on YouTube
Member Loren Boyer will offer a comparison of western and non-western approaches to spiritual music. Services are also available live on our page on YouTube
Joseph Trambley and Loren Boyer, both members of UUFEC, will share personal stories of lessons life has taught them. This service is the fifth in a series of six that explore the connection between spirituality and storytelling. 2nd Hour: “Porch Swing, Your Response, Please!”, Free Thinkers Friendly, Buddhistarians
Join in our second out-of-the box Sunday of the summer. 2nd Hour: Porch Swing, Social Justice
2nd Hour: Ted Talks, Social Justice, Porch Swing, Informal Socializing