Speaker: Judy Byrne-Riley

Voting In November

Once again, this November brings the “most important vote of your lifetime,” and it’s crucial to be prepared. Rules change, requirements adjust, and dates shift. Stay informed about what is happening, when, and where. “VOTING IN NOVEMBER” provides all the essential dates, locations, and information … read more.

Oh Brother, Where Art Though?

Death is so final. Or is it? What about those golden streets? What about the promises others make? What do you think about when someone you love “dies” or do they? A UU perspective on life everlasting.

Voting and Godliness

The good the bad and the ugly of voting in 2022. What has changed – or not. An election is soon and there has been Florida legislation that makes it more “secure” and less “fraud.” As close to a non-political twenty minutes as is possible.

… read more.