The Evolution of Violence and Human Beings
Jackie Parr and Melissa Hallett will lead us in celebrating the contributions of women to military service in the US.
Jackie Parr and Melissa Hallett will lead us in celebrating the contributions of women to military service in the US.
This is Rev. Ruth’s last Sunday with us. Let’s celebrate our shared ministry over the last three years and look toward a hopeful future as we bid her a fond farewell.
Our director of R.E., Holly Lowmiller, will lead us as we thank our volunteers, hear from our children, honor our graduates, and celebrate all things R.E.. Join us for fellowship and good food after the service. Click the link below to sign up for a meal:
As the Wheel of the Year turns, we call this season Beltane or May Day. It falls between May 1 and May 9, so we are right in the middle. Our Pagan Pathways members will share what the season means. After the service our children will lead the traditional Maypole dance.
Nothing remains the same for long. We strive for balance, and we prefer predictable routine but then life challenges us with changes we did not expect! This is also true for faith communities. Let’s take a peek at our future and see what may lie ahead.
We will learn more about environmental justice and celebrate Flower Communion.
Original poetry and old favorites, visual and dance poetry welcome. Let’s get creative!
Some say hope is a platitude that keeps us happy with the status quo. Others say hope is essential, not only for our well-being but to inspire our work to build a better world. (recorded)
Join us for a multigeneration experience of Easter: A Rabbi, A Goddess, and a rabbit walk into a fellowship…
We live in scary times. But we have always lived in scary times. An exploration of Unitarian Universalism’s history in resisting authoritarianism, and our role as a free faith in keeping the chalice of democracy lit today. Services are also available live on our page on YouTube