Archives: Services


Join the choir us as we celebrate December with readings, stories, and hymns.

2nd Hour: Ted Talks, Reflection Circle, Porch Swing

Deidra Price

Join us in welcoming back Dr. Deidre Price
Professor of English, Northwest Florida State College
Managing Editor, Blackwater Review

Please help with Snacks this Sunday
No one took responsibility for snacks this Sunday, so it is up to us all! Bring a little something for the table!

2nd Hour: Porch Swing, “Extra, Extra”

Community Soup

Tiffany Sapp is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Bay County and has been a UU for about a decade. She is dilligently working toward certification as a fully fellowshipped minister with the Unitarian Universalist association. Tiffany lives in Bonifay with her husband Jayon and her daughter Bridget, where they spend lots of time exploring the woods in their backyard.

2nd Hour: Porch Swing, Being a UU Parent: Sharing the Journey, Social Justice

Ken Sizemore

Join us in welcoming back Ken Sizemore for a great Sunday of music!

2nd Hour: Porch Swing, Freethinkers Friendly, Buddhistarians, Principled Music (Teens)

Tiffany Sapp

Tiffany Sapp will speak on a topic to be determined.

2nd Hour: Porch Swing, “Extra, Extra”, Surviving Old Age

Building Bridges

The most expedient way for human beings to overcome barriers, cross boundaries or heal divisions when there is discord in our lives is to build bridges, actual or metaphorical.

2nd Hour: Porch Swing, Social Justice, Parenting, “The Vietnam War”: Documentary Discussion​

Is Tolerance Enough?

Stephanie will take a look at issues, beliefs, and ideas that divide many of us and answer the question: Is it enough to tolerate people who are different from us, or do we need something more?

2nd Hour: Porch Swing, Freethinkers Friendly, Buddhistairians