Archives: Services

I Contain Multitudes Part 2

In Part 1, Joshua Moore showed us how we contain multitudes of religious identities. Part 2 will investigate other multitudes that we contain. Some you may have never heard of. Adult Small Groups Buddhistarians led by Melissa Peck in the Library Choir Practice led by Cecile Lindegren in the Harmony Room Speakers Circle in the Front of … Continue reading I Contain Multitudes Part 2

Heros Amongst Us

Our guest speaker, in native regalia and with his drum, will explain his heritage and the contributions of Native Americans in our military. Adult Small Groups Climate Change led by Trudie Griffin in the Library Ancient History of Religions led by Loren Boyer in the Harmony Room Speakers Circle in the Front of Sanctuary

What’s Behind Your Mask?

This intergenerational service explores what might be hiding behind a Halloween mask! Storyteller David Novak shares a spooky story with a heartwarming twist. Perfect for all ages, this service will celebrate those we have loved and lost. Be prepared to play! We will create a special craft in honor of our most precious loved ones. … Continue reading What’s Behind Your Mask?

Healing Paws: How to Stabilize a Vet

Adult Small Groups Buddhistarians led by Melissa Peck in the Library Choir Practice led by Cecile Lindegren in the Harmony Room Speakers Circle in the Front of Sanctuary

When Hell Freezes Over

What happens when a major tenet of your entire belief system falls prey to doubt? and then falls away. What do we replace it with? The story of such a personal tornado and its aftermath. Adult Small Groups Get out the Vote led by Social Justice in the Rear of Sanctuary

Nones, Dones, and Scrabble Together

What can UU congregations learn from an international toy company? Plenty! Like how to reinvigorate an experience steeped in tradition by making it more appealing to younger generations—without diminishing the essence of the original. (recorded sermon) Adult Small Groups Pagan Pathways led by Melissa Peck in the Harmony Room TED Talks led by Josh Ashley in the Library … Continue reading Nones, Dones, and Scrabble Together

I Contain Multitudes

A reflection on multireligious identity, belonging, and the freedom to define for yourself the meaning of “faith.” 2nd Hour Speakers Circle in the Front of Sanctuary

Persephone and the Change of Seasons

Deepening our connection to seasons, cycles, and our inner world through the perspective of ancient mythology. 2nd Hour Who to Help and How led by Kal Addams in the Harmony Room Bible ThUUmper led by Joshua Moore in the Library Speakers Circle in the Front of Sanctuary