Healing Paws: How to Stabilize a Vet
Adult Small Groups Buddhistarians led by Melissa Peck in the Library Choir Practice led by Cecile Lindegren in the Harmony Room Speakers Circle in the Front of Sanctuary
Adult Small Groups Buddhistarians led by Melissa Peck in the Library Choir Practice led by Cecile Lindegren in the Harmony Room Speakers Circle in the Front of Sanctuary
What happens when a major tenet of your entire belief system falls prey to doubt? and then falls away. What do we replace it with? The story of such a personal tornado and its aftermath. Adult Small Groups Get out the Vote led by Social Justice in the Rear of Sanctuary
What can UU congregations learn from an international toy company? Plenty! Like how to reinvigorate an experience steeped in tradition by making it more appealing to younger generations—without diminishing the essence of the original. (recorded sermon) Adult Small Groups Pagan Pathways led by Melissa Peck in the Harmony Room TED Talks led by Josh Ashley in the Library … Continue reading Nones, Dones, and Scrabble Together
A reflection on multireligious identity, belonging, and the freedom to define for yourself the meaning of “faith.” 2nd Hour Speakers Circle in the Front of Sanctuary
Deepening our connection to seasons, cycles, and our inner world through the perspective of ancient mythology. 2nd Hour Who to Help and How led by Kal Addams in the Harmony Room Bible ThUUmper led by Joshua Moore in the Library Speakers Circle in the Front of Sanctuary
Have you ever received advice you didn’t want? How do you know if you’re truly being helpful? This intergenerational service tells the story of Motke the fish peddler, who was helped a little too much by his friends. Based on a Jewish tale, it leads to an exploration of the Buddhist concept of “right speech,” … Continue reading The Right Way to Right Speech
UUA General Assembly Sunday Service We are all tangled up together in a great web of life that is woven with beauty and hardship, love and loss, thriving and struggle. How do we tend well to the weaving so that all of us are held in care? 2nd Hour Social Justice Postcards led by Social … Continue reading Weaving Our Lives
Whether you work for pay, or labor for love and justice, this service is for you! We will reflect on how our labor makes the world a better place and gives meaning to our lives. 2nd Hour Pagan Pathways led by Melissa Peck in the Harmony Room TED Talks led by Josh Ashley in the Library Speakers Circle … Continue reading Reflections on Labor Day
Joshua Moore will lead this interactive service. In this time of stress, how are we listening to and hearing one another? We will consider this, speak with others, and ponder our place in this world. 2nd Hour Congregational Meeting in the Sanctuary
Our pagan members will share how to celebrate Lughnasa like an ancient Celt. 2nd Hour Adult Small Groups Buddhistarians led by Melissa Peck in the Library Choir Practice led by Cecile Lindegren in the Harmony Room Speakers Circle in the Front of Sanctuary