Rev. Ruth’s Reflections – June 16th, 2023

Rev. Ruth's Reflections Hello Emerald Coasters!

Well, I am preparing to travel to Pittsburgh on Monday for two back-to-back national Unitarian Universalist events: Ministry Days (collegial event for ministers) and General Assembly, the annual denominational gathering for strengthening connection, continuing education, and decision-making.

Your other delegates, Jennifer Doyle, also attending G.A. in-person, and Joshua Moore online, will also be representing UUFEC interests.

I will be officially receiving my Full Fellowship credentials along with other colleagues at the Service of the Living Tradition. We will honor other religious professionals’ achievements, and celebrate those retiring from active ministry.

There will be much to share later. In the meantime, please offer broad-spectrum UU prayers and energy for our safe travel!

In wisdom & grace,

Rev. Ruth