Rev. Ruth’s Reflections January 28th, 2022

Rev. Ruth's Reflections

I take great pride in the sexuality education curriculum created by the Unitarian Universalist Assoc. called “Our Whole Lives” or “OWL” for short! I am a trained facilitator and I have co-led the teen class twice. I was also a sexuality educator many years ago through a community education program.

There are now OWL curricula for almost every age, kindergarten through senior citizen. This is because the biological, psychological and social sciences demonstrate that we are sexual beings for our whole lives. While sexual practices vary and change with time, age and health, we never stop being sexual creatures with powerful feelings and inclinations. Embracing this part of the human experience and teaching the best information in sexual health, relationships, andl self-understanding is one of the best things we do as UUs!

I hope that as the pandemic recedes, UUFEC will be able to offer OWL programs again. If you or someone you know would be interested in receiving the training to be an OWL facilitator, please let me know soon. There will be some regional opportunities coming up.

in wisdom and grace,

Rev. Ruth