Rev. Ruth’s Reflections – August 4th, 2023

Rev. Ruth's Reflections Hello Emerald Coasters!
I am beginning to feel a bit like an aging Snow White to whom all the little woodland creatures come for solace and song.

You may remember my past stories about frogs, lizards, birds and bunnies. Well, we now have a new and totally unexpected addition.

I went to the kitchen about 2am for cold water and something flew past me. Goodness, I thought. What a large moth! I saw my cat looking very excited as the moth flew by again and then landed on the rock wall of the fireplace.

I got a flashlight and went to investigate. Turned out to be a bat the size of a salad plate!
While I am not particularly alarmed by bats, I prefer them outdoors eating bugs, and not flying around my house!

After shutting up the cat and leaving the door open for a while, the adventurous flying rodent finally found its way out. Whew!

Life is full of surprises, some of which are harmless but startling.
This one left me with an uncomfortable question: How did it get in?

Hope your surprises this week are pleasant ones!

I’ll be back in the pulpit on Aug 20.

In wisdom and grace,

Rev. Ruth