The Kingdom of the Emerald Shore


By Don Roberts

Two annum’s ago, during the reign of Sir Richard, the stout-hearted Hoffert, (not to be confused with the mythical Hobbit of burglary fame), it came to pass that the giant wizard, known as Harold the Kind, laid down his sword, long raised in defense of the good folk of the Emerald Shore Kingdom. The Kingdom was uncertain and fearful as to what to do without a wizard, until out of the northern mists rode the much smaller, but very active wizard, by name– Roy, the Cunning. Now the speech and manners of Sir Roy were at first strange and confusing to the Knights and Ladies of the Kingdom and the times became unsettled with new and threatening spells and incantations. The good folk of the Kingdom became weary from having to go about in full body armor all the time; but gradually, the armor began to fall away and then the most amazing and wonderful things began to happen: Each citizen of the Kingdom, of course, carried a shield; some large, some small, some shiny, some old and rusty. But gradually, on each shield, appeared a sign or word—such as: ‘Integrity’, ‘Candor’, ‘Trust’, ‘Honor’, ‘Faith’, ‘Loyalty’, ‘Responsibility’, ‘Sharing’ and many with ‘Love’ and also many with ‘Patience’. It was as if each shield reflected the nature of its bearer and all together they conveyed a great message and statement.

Well, as Sir Roy rode west to joust with the great desert kingdoms, a wonderful magical transformation started in the Kingdom of the Emerald Shore. Water suddenly sprouted from the ground and the fields turned from brown to green. The weather in the Kingdom changed from its damp and musty nature to one more conducive to the health and industry of the good citizens. Princesses and Princes came forth to lead the committee guilds in the affairs of the Kingdom. People began going from cottage to cottage to inquire as to the well-being of their neighbors and to lend support when needed. And the great castle on the hill that had suffered the ravages of time, under the benevolent attention of Lady Susan and Sir Doug began to shine and gleam to the amazed delight and joy of the good citizens.

As the inhabitants of the Emerald Shore Kingdom reflected on the nature of wizards and wizardry in general, they came to a great understanding: and that was that each person has within the power of wizardry and that it is foolish and unwise to attribute and give all the wizard powers to any one person. The citizens decided that in the future, they would seek a head wizard who would live among them and would share the wizardry work with all the folk in the Kingdom.

Now, as with all great stories, the future is unknown. But that is how the Kingdom of the Emerald Shore looks to Sir Don, the Wiser, as he departs the Round Table and returns to the fields of the Kingdom of the Emerald Shore.