June 5th, 2020 – Notes from the Journey

We are in the midst of very difficult and threatening times: Worldwide COVID Virus Pandemic continues, Public Demonstrations Protesting Police Violence growing in numbers nationally and internationally, Divisive Cultural Engagements show little willingness to listen and cooperate and Economic and Income Disruptions impact millions safety and well-being.

Increasing COVID deaths and sickness. Dystopian public protesting scenes in scores of cities. Fears of destitution, homelessness, and hungry.

It feels overwhelming. Just sorting through the facts is a big issue.

I urge each of us the tend to our sacred center and our connection with the holy energy that infuses all life.

The terrible anxiety that arises from the challenges of life confronting us comes from our inability to control the sickness of a deadly virus, dangers of infective racial violence, and the destructive nature of predatory capitalism.

There will be tomorrows…and a markedly changed world that adapts and deals with the tragedies we are now passing through. Vital aspects of a hopeful faith that guide us through the passage: life seeks life, life promotes life, and most especially life serves life. Our ‘golden rule’ loving demonstrates our allegiance to a renewed, reformed life. Love lived serves justice and repairs the brokenness.

Love, Doak