Together Again! Pledge Drive 2022-2023

Our Together Again Pledge Drive has just been kicked off and letters have been sent out. The Pledge Form is also on the UUFEC website you can download and fill out is here: on-line. Our pledge drive’s goal is $75,000 so we’ll need all our Members and Friends to step up.  Please give generously to help UUFEC fulfill our mission in these times. We are mindful that some of you are facing financial hardships at this time. We trust everyone to make the decision that does right by you and UUFEC.

To send your pledge you can:

  • mail the form to UUFEC: PO Box 205, Valparaiso, FL 32580 (if you do this, pls email and let us know you mailed it if possible. That way, we won’t call you unnecessarily)
  • send an email to (you can send a photo of the pledge form, e.g., cell phone photo or simply state the amount pledged)
  • send a text to Den Lauer, canvass chair. (either a photo of the form, or simply the amount). Den’s phone is in the directory.

Pledge forms and more information are available on-line.

Den Lauer