Thank You Cleanup Crew!

Your president asks you to join me in a huge thank you for the  herculean effort of many UUFECers to get our building ready for our in-person service on April 17.

  • Last fall, Amy Weisberg and Sophia Lopez (beloved former Director of Religious Education) spent hours cleaning out the RE rooms.
  • Earlier this month Hank Christen, Ellen Holt, Judy Byrne Riley, Bill White and Kathy White meticulously cleaned and disinfected every item and surface in the kitchen.
  • Last Saturday and Sunday a hearty crew – Gil Brown, David Carson, Linda Carson, Janet Chapman, Cecile Lindegren, Jane Park, Kathy Roniger, Miriam Williams and Amy Weisberg – cleaned out much of the sanctuary, front hall, harmony room, library (inspecting every single book), office, RE rooms and more!
  • On Sunday morning the cleaning crew realized a mystery gardener had come late Saturday and done some much needed pruning. Some sleuthing revealed it was Joseph Trambley.
  • Taken together we spent 110+ person-hours cleaning, took at least 45 boxes to recycling or Good Will, and filled up at least seven full green garbage bins of trash.
  • You can still help! More work remains.

Two Ways to thank the clean up crew:
1. Say thank you! That’s the easy one.
2. Help keep UUFEC clean: Please take any food home and do not bring items to church.
It took a big team effort to clean UUFEC and it will take a bigger team effort to keep it clean.

  • Food: Do not leave food in the kitchen. We look forward to yummy Sunday morning snacks, when we resume sharing food. After church, please take the food home. There will be special events, etc., but we need to minimize food in the kitchen. Kitchen signage coming soon.
  • Other items: Do not bring vases, candles, furniture, old children’s books and toys, kitchen gadgets, etc. to church. We know it comes from a generous place. Have stuff to give away? With very few exceptions, please don’t bring to UUFEC. Consider Good Will or one of UUFEC’s share the plate partners, or other charity of your choice.

THANK YOU ALL IN ADVANCE for helping keep UUFEC clean.  Please contact President Jane Park with any questions or thoughts (