Annual Fall Congregational Meeting – Nominations Open

UUFEC’S annual fall congregational meeting will be held by Zoom this year on Sunday, October 31, 2021 (time to be announced). The main purpose of this meeting will be to elect our Board Officers for the coming year. Nominations for open positions (President, Vice President, Secretary and Member at Large) can be made to the Nominating Committee Chair, Gil Brown (, or the other members of the Nominating Committee: Amy Weisberg ( or Sandi Fowler (  If you are unable to attend this Zoom meeting but still wish to vote, please contact one of the nominating committee members for help.

Please be sure to attend this meeting. A quorum is needed to carry out the election. This will also be our chance to update people on the various ways UUFEC is continuing to function despite Covid. I look forward to seeing you all there!

Gil Brown