Caring Committee

The Caring Committee serves our Fellowship by supporting each other in times of need, while respecting privacy/confidentiality.

With other church members and friends, we give assistance when needed. We visit members & friends of our congregation who may be struggling with bereavement, life transitions, or medical conditions. We provide transportation to those in need. We write cards to the people we’re holding in our hearts. We do whatever we can to assist those in need.

Do you need help or know someone who does? Are you interested in joining us in helping others? No offer of help is too small!

Please contact any members of the Caring Committee. You can reach us at

Committee on Ministry (COM)

The UUFEC COM’s purpose is to study and give consideration to how this church and its components (committees, employees, members, etc) are fulfilling their ‘Ministries’ here. Your ‘ministry’, is the work and gifts that you feel called upon to provide to the church. The COM is always listening for and exploring what parts of the church are doing well and which parts could use some help. It is always interested in members’ input. After thoughtful reflection, the COM then gives its findings and recommendations to the church leadership. The COM is also available to help work through issues of conflict. Feel free to contact us anytime with your thoughts.

The COM members are: Jane Park (, Blake Farley, and Diane Gibson.

Communications Committee

Do you have a ton of followers on social media? Know a thing or two about videography or advertising? Join the Communications Committee and help us get the word out about our awesome community here at UUFEC. Contact Stephen Harris-Dixon at if you are interested.

Religious Services Committee

The Religious Services Committee’s goal is to develop Sunday services that support our UUFEC Mission Statement and our UU Principles. The Religious Services Committee Chair is Amanda Piburn. You may email her at
We aim:

  • To recognize the multiplicity of theologies and religious backgrounds in the congregation.
  • To create a space and time that allows reverence.
  • To create and support worship that engages the mind, touches the heart, and invites people to a new depth of spiritual development.