Category: Rev. Ruth’s Reflections

Rev. Ruth’s Reflections August 8th, 2022

“Back in the saddle again . . .”
So GOOD to be back in the land of sun, surf and lizards everywhere you step!

Hope everyone had a good summer! Bill, the boys and I did the stay-cation thing mixed with deferred spring cleaning, … read more.

Rev. Ruth’s Reflections July 8th, 2022

General Assembly 2022 has come to a close, as have Ministry Days, the gathering for clergy held immediately prior to GA. I attended these events online and found them to be informative and energizing! I will be sharing more about GA in a … read more.

Rev. Ruth’s Reflections June 10th, 2022

It’s so hard to get away! AND there’s always such a big pile of responsibilities waiting when we get back! Nonetheless, vacation time beckons!

I am approaching the last few weeks of my contract year serving this wonderful fellowship. It has been a … read more.

Rev. Ruth’s Reflections June 3rd, 2022

In my lifetime, the citizens of the United States have witnessed over 1300 school shootings.
That we can still react with shock, horror, and grief is good.

There are roughly 131,000 K-12 public and private schools in this country. So fewer than 1% of our … read more.

Rev. Ruth’s Reflections May 20th, 2022

A UU minister I know well serving in North Carolina was recently involved peripherally in a shooting at a mall. Upon hearing shots, he ran to the closest store and hunkered down in back with the employees until police escorted him out about 30 … read more.