Category: Rev. Ruth’s Reflections

Rev. Ruth’s Reflections – November 4th, 2022

Today I received an important letter which read:
Dear Ruth,
The Ministerial Fellowship Committee (MFC) convened during a special November 1 conference call to vote on renewal applications submitted by the July 1, 2022, deadline. After reviewing your submission, the MFC voted to grant you … read more.

Rev. Ruth’s Reflections – October 21, 2022

For the past 15 months, I have been writing “Rev Ruth’s Reflections.” I spend no more than 15 min on each one resulting in 3-5 paragraphs on whatever catches my attention or is churning in my brain. I know some people read them.

A colleague recently … read more.

Rev. Ruth’s Reflections – October 14th, 2022

I have been at the Fall Conference of the Liberald Religious Educators Association (LREDA) all week, in Birmingham. I keep my membership in this organization current because I learn so much that boosts my ministry and helps me contribute ideas and resources for … read more.

Rev. Ruth’s Reflections – October 7th, 2022

Our cat Sherlock brought us a gift yesterday: a bird; a LIVE bird.

Frequently he brings us his toy hedgehog and receives much praise for being such a fell hunter! As an indoor cat, his opportunities for exercising his hunting skills and instincts are quite … read more.

Rev. Ruth’s Reflections – October 1st, 2022

It’s hard to say “Goodbye” to someone who has become part of our lives at UUFEC, who has served us so faithfully and who knows us so well and STILL kept coming back week after week to keep us organized and moving forward!

Marion Taylor has … read more.

Rev. Ruth’s Reflections – September 23rd, 2022

So much of our lives involves waiting. I am sitting with husband Bill in the eye doctor’s waiting room. Bill has eye problems related to diabetes.

I have sat in many uncomfortable chairs waiting on behalf of loved ones and parishioners. Sometimes the news was good … read more.