Category: Rev. Ruth’s Reflections

Rev. Ruth’s Reflections – December 8th, 2023

Liam and I plan to shop for a Christmas tree tomorrow. My husband is not an enthusiast for holiday decorating and Angus just takes it all in stride. So for over twenty years, the tree has been for Liam and myself.

… read more.

Rev. Ruth’s Reflections – November 10th, 2023

The first of our Unitarian Universalist Principles which all congregations affirm and promote is, “The inherent worth and dignity of every person.” We humans are still unsure as to whether every person on the planet is of equal worth and deserves to … read more.

Rev. Ruth’s Reflections – October 6th, 2023

As I wrote last week, I call myself a “Skeptical panentheist liberal Christian Unitarian Universalist with humanist and Earth-centered sympathies.”

What do I mean by “liberal Christian”?

I am a social and political liberal and I grew up studying the … read more.