Category: Rev. Ruth’s Reflections

Rev. Ruth’s Reflections December 3rd, 2021

It always amuses me how clean and shiny the stable appears in the nativity pictures and how magically recovered Mary seems to be. Birth is messy and exhausting. Stables are filthy, dusty, and stinky much of the time. Babies are beautiful … read more.

Rev. Ruth’s Reflections November 12th, 2021

Mary Oliver writes about the Alligator as a fixture in the Florida landscape:

“In beautiful Florida, he is king of his own part of the black river, ” and she celebrates the strength, speed, beauty, ferocity of this animal.

I recently saw a video … read more.

Rev. Ruth’s Reflections November 5th, 2021

A giant inflatable Santa went up Tuesday next door to my lodgings in Ft. Walton Beach. I laughed out loud as I walked past, but it was a slightly nervous laugh.

I haven’t been able to freely enjoy Christmas since I was in college. … read more.

Rev. Ruth’s Reflections October 29th, 2021

On Sunday, we will meet for our fall Annual Meeting during which we will elect officers to serve our congregation in 2022. I can’t emphasize strongly enough how important it is that everyone join the zoom to participate in this meeting.

The democratic process … read more.

Rev. Ruth’s Reflections October 22nd, 2021

As we look toward a time in the not-too-distant future when we will gather in person again, I’d like to challenge everyone to think about how we will “Do church” differently.

Everyone has favorite memories of our pre-pandemic fellowship and a personal list of things … read more.

Rev. Ruth’s Reflections October 15th, 2021

October 11 was national Coming Out Day and I want to give a shout out to all the brave LGBTQ+ folk who proudly stepped forth to share with their family and friends their deepest, truest selves! Thanks to those who participated in our … read more.

Rev. Ruth’s Reflections October 8th, 2021

What an exciting and meaningful weekend we have scheduled!

Tonight is our Halloween Party for families and everyone who loves children! I will be attending as a pirate (think “Smee” from Peter Pan) and decorating my Prius hatch as a Monster … read more.

Rev. Ruth’s Reflections October 1st, 2021

Robert Hamma writes in Earth’s Echo of the power and immensity of the ocean and the genius and perfection of each water molecule.

Our small, brief lives are lived within the immensity. There is beauty in the smallness and there is beauty in the vastness. … read more.