Author: UUFEC

Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts 
John Bacon, Past President

I was once an Episcopalian for the simple reason that my parents, grand parents, and all my other forebears were comfortable in that faith. Early on, even before I flunked Sunday school while collecting gold stars for attendance, I was … read more.

Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts 
John Bacon, Past President

I was in Barnes and Noble and Books-a-Million looking for Bill Moyers’ latest book, Moyers on America, and wondering why it was not in plain sight. Even more puzzling was its location in Barnes and Noble on the bottom shelf … read more.

Peace Site


by Bill White

While Alex G. and I were still under the spell of Karen’s great flower power Sunday with the kids, he suggested a Porch piece on the topic of peace. A little edification for new folks, and maybe nostalgia for older (long term) … read more.

My Chalice in the Kudzu

My Chalice in the Kudzu

Denny Lauer Talk at UUFEC, 27 Sep 03

(Please excuse some of the grammatical errors; I’ve typed this to be spoken and some sentences are incomplete and I’ve capitalized some words for emphasis as notes)

For the last three Sundays, our minister Rev … read more.


August 2003


by Hank Boudolf

Most men I know will not voice an opinion on politics or religion. Most Unitarian Universalists will voice an opinion on practically anything any time.
Mitch, Brad, Dick and I pass through the steam room at the YMCA quite often … read more.

Another View

June 2003

Another View 

by Denny Lauer

We Unitarian Universalists are known for our open-mindedness, or at least we think we are open-minded. But in our quest, we have to watch out not to be so open-minded that our brains fall out, or that we mix … read more.

Ron Allaire’s Contribution

April 2002

Ron Allaire’s Contribution

It is nearly ten years ago that our fellowship moved from a three bedroom house on Carmel Drive to our present location on Bayshore Drive and John Simms Parkway. We may not have been able to move had it not been for … read more.

We are What We Believe, and Believe In

February 2002

We Are What We Believe, and Believe In
(and we all believe in something, even if it is nothing!)

By Sy Shwiller

We are given just so much time in our life budget. It is up to us to decide how to use … read more.

The Kingdom of the Emerald Shore


By Don Roberts

Two annum’s ago, during the reign of Sir Richard, the stout-hearted Hoffert, (not to be confused with the mythical Hobbit of burglary fame), it came to pass that the giant … read more.

He has too much on his plate

October 2001

He has too much on his plate

In the September Verbal Chalice Fred Boyer remembered Randy Williams. Randy brought Kinzo Yamamoto into our Fellowship. He was the speaker at a Lion’s Club meeting and his speaking of his past aroused Randy’s interest. Randy invited Kinzo … read more.