Author: UUFEC

Calling All Poets

April 14th, Deborah Baker-Rian will be leading our (almost) annual Poetry Sunday. If you write poetry, we would love to hear it! We try to use original poetry but will fill in with your favorite poems if needed. Deborah will coach and aspiring poets who … read more.

Rev. Ruth’s Reflections – March 22nd, 2024

Our UU Fellowship is a voluntary organization.

All our programs, activities, projects, plans and goals are implemented and accomplished by the work of volunteers assisted by staff who all serve at 1/4 time or less, including myself.

Volunteer efforts ebb and flow. Some people dig … read more.

Get into some Good UUFEC Trouble

All UUFECers are invited to help UU the Vote! Your social justice team is excited that our Unitarian Universalist Association has launched the 2024 UU the Vote.

The goal is to support congregational efforts to strengthen our democracy (within the “rules” for faith-based … read more.

Rev. Ruth’s Reflections – March 15th, 2024

It’s been one of those days!

Older child Liam was supposed to drive his dad to the doctor and called to say he’s throwing up. Doctor’s appointment was postponed.

I drove to pick up nausea survival items and deliver to him. Then back to … read more.

Rev. Ruth’s Reflections – March 8th, 2024

Has this Unitarian Universalist Fellowship made your life richer and more meaningful? Have you met good people and cultivated friendships here? Have you found ways to serve the larger community and fight for justice? Do you think there are others out … read more.

UU 101 Coming March 17th & 24th

If you are thinking about joining UUFEC or just interested in learning more about us, join our 2-session orientation led by Jane Park during 2nd Hour on March 17th and 24th, 2024.

Share the Plate – Food Donations in March 2024

For March, our Share the Plate partner is Shelter House. We will be collecting single serve food items that are low cook or no cook for our curbside pantry and the local schools that send meals home with children on the weekends. Donation boxes are … read more.