Author: UUFEC

A Senior Moment with Scotty Zilinsky

I was born many moons ago in Camden, NJ, but spent my childhood in CT, in a historic town, Simsbury, where my parents built our house in a former cow pasture.  Definitely a Beaver Cleaver childhood.  I was into art, crafts, raising chickens for egg money, 4H, and cheerleading.  Went to U … read more.

A Senior Moment with Rosemary Baker

Being asked to put down my thoughts is a difficult task for a basically lazy person. At the beginning of life there’s a rush to get on with things. We race at high speed (making adults wish they could harness or even bottle that energy to draw on later). Then … read more.

A Senior Moment with Fred Boyer

Thomas Malthus, the British demographer (1778) was one of my gurus early in college. It should be noted that a timeframe of his population projections was ambiguous. None-the-less, many years later, I personally felt noble and pragmatic as we adopted two kids; and then biological … read more.

A Senior Moment with Robert Larson

“I need somebody.”

Our three-year-old son David’s words barely penetrated the chatter of our beach party. “I neeeed somebody,” he cried again, much louder this time so that we all looked over … read more.

A Senior Moment

A Senior Moment
with Winky Sweet

I don’t feel like a senior. I was caught flat at a Friendship Circle one time when I illustrated a point by saying, “remember ….” One person remembered, from childhood. The rest knew of it but with … read more.

A Senior Moment

Everyone needs to know how to get along with each other. Conversations bring opportunities to listen and learn. So listen and try to understand.

Enjoy life, your family, and associates. Recognize the beauty all around. Don’t fear death. It happens to us all, eventually. More … read more.

Looking for God in the Wrong Place

Looking for God in the Wrong Place

Sharleenne Farley

I was about ten years old when I concluded that God wasn’t going to answer my prayers. My parents divorced when I was seven. My sister, nine years older, figured out quicker than I, that our father wasn’t … read more.

A Senior Moment

A Senior Moment

Sy Shwiller

On 1 April 99, I was operated on by the talented personnel at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center to remove a cancer. In pre-op the surgeon said the odds were not in my favor. So, on the gurney with medial “stuff” … read more.

True Patriotism Speaks Truth

True Patriotism Speaks Truth
John Bacon 

I’ve never thought of myself as a “naysayer” but that is exactly what I’ve Become, concurrently I suppose, with the antiquing process of mind and body. Unitarianism has led me to question what is preached and what is perceived as … read more.

A Senior Moment

A Senior Moment
John Bacon

Who are the winners? Who are the losers? Two now middle aged men, born into wealth, well-schooled (if not well-educated), both possessing great faith, the one the follower of Mohammed, the other born again as a follower of Jesus, occupy the … read more.