Author: UUFEC

Summer 2015 RE News

We have some exciting plans coming up this summer:

On July 12th, 2015, after second hour, we’ll have a potluck lunch and swim at Turkey Creek.

Starting August 30, 2015 we will resume the RE program with new curriculums for all ages.  We plan to have more … read more.

A UUFEC Testimonial by Aaron Galonsky

Those of us who call ourselves Unitarians came to Unitarianism by various channels. Not many of us were born and raised Unitarians. My Lutheran-raised wife Marion learned of it from Max Otto, a University of Wisconsin philosophy professor, and in 1950 she told me about … read more.

Tapestry of Faith Programs for Children

Our Religious Exploration Program is dedicated to the spiritual nurturing of our wonderful children and youth. The UUA Tapestry of Faith is a creative on-line curriculum that we use in our Sunday morning RE classes. As we continue the theme of LOVE, our two younger classes will engage the following … read more.

Happy January!

In ancient Roman religion Janus is the god of beginnings and transitions, therefore, also of gates, doors, doorways, endings and time. He is a two-faced god since he looks to the future and the past. The month of January is named for this “god” rich in spiritual meaning and value.  So January … read more.

December 2011 – Wisdom From the Mountain

Proverbial wisdom from the ancient Israelites suggests, “Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.” I was reminded of this at THE MOUNTAIN Retreat & Learning Center during the spiritually enriching and fun experience of MountainCON!

While conservative … read more.

Our RE Program Needs You!

Our RE Program is growing. Love is the theme for this year. We need volunteer teachers and committee members. Volunteer teachers commit to 1-2 Sundays/month. You will always have an assistant or partner. The RE Committee meets the 3rd Sunday of the month at Cafe … read more.

A Senior Moment with Sharleenne Farley

Last month I celebrated my seventy-second birthday. If you had been there, you might not have seen all of me. In my lifetime I have had multiple selves, including many of the familial ones: daughter, sister, aunt, niece, wife, and mother. Then there were the vocational … read more.

A Senior Moment with Gary Cleveland

In my 65 years on this Earth I soon discovered the truth in the old saying, “When I was a child, I spoke and acted as a self- centered child.” But, my adult age has taught me to put such childish self-centered actions forever behind me.

As I matured, … read more.