Author: UUFEC

Spring 2019 – Notes from the Journey

The Reverend Doak M. Mansfield


I’ve been thinking deep thoughts through Winter’s passing. 

I’ve been trying to understand life as an interrelated, interdependent organism and express myself on that idea. 

Current accepted science has offered the concept of the Big Bang Theory, evolution, and gradual structured change influenced … read more.

December 2018: Winter Notes from the Journey

Our location impacts our relationship to the Winter season. We have our dramatic weather events but snow, cold, and long darkness are not significant elements of our life here on the Emerald Coast of Florida.

I’m persuaded that the religious/meaning myths, customs, rituals from ancient times … read more.

October 2018: Autumn in Florida

Autumn in Florida, even our panhandle, is not a time for turning leaves. Brilliant images of golds, reds, yellows foliage is more Shenandoah Valley, the Berkshires than Boggy Bayou. I’m assured my Halloween we’ll have some ‘fallish’ temps and weather. We’ll see.

Our nation is … read more.

9/1/2018: Once Upon a Time

“Once upon a time” is the classic, timeless beginning of fairy tales. I think it has wide utilitarian viability for most recounting of memories and even recasting of “facts” of what passes as history.

When I was about 9 years of age I acquired an … read more.

08/17/2018: Nesting

Notes from Doak

“Nesting” has a special meaning for me: I find it a compelling need to establish relationship with place and people. We’ve been in Florida and with y’all for just four weeks. Pegs has a vehicle now and is back to driving. Her … read more.

Fall Volunteers

In the coming weeks, I will be reaching out and asking for fall RE volunteers. Volunteering is a once monthly commitment for our preschool/elementary classes. It is a joy working with our children and a wonderful way to make a positive difference within our … read more.

Summer Sundays

This Sunday kicks off Summer Sundays! Summers at UUFEC allow our children to learn about new topics and get to know more of the adults in our fellowship. FRED BOYER will be having a lesson this week on MAPS.

In the Interim… Gratitude

*November Theme: Gratitude
I suppose it’s obvious why the Religious Services folks chose gratitude for the November ministry theme. It’s the month of Thanksgiving the national day for remembering to be grateful for a few moments -before Black Friday ushers in the season … read more.