Author: UUFEC

March 27, 2020 – Notes from the Journey

The surreal adventure with the CORVID-19 pandemic continues. And the news is not good. Politicians and news pundits are wrangling over what is what and who did or did not do this or that. But its infections and deaths continue to increase.

I am personally enraged … read more.

A Note from Doak

I cannot express adequately my gratitude for the kindness, caring, and generosity shared with Peggy and I during her illness. Everyone was truly wonderful. I am thankful she is released from her suffering. It was very hard the last several months. She died February 24 … read more.

Pandemic Poem

Consider the pandemic a sabbath?

Many of us have to sit still, or at least more still than we are used to. UU Minister Rev. Lynn Ungar has written a poem asking us to consider this a sacred act. The poem that has gone, well, viral…. … read more.

March Board of Trustees Meeting 3/30/2020

UUFEC Board of Trustees will be meeting Monday, March 30th at 6:32 pm.
Interested members are invited to attend, however because of the need for safe practices, this meeting will be limited to a total of 10 people and will adhere to the 6 foot … read more.

UUFEC Covid Update 3/20/2020

I hope you are all healthy, enduring and staying connected in this truly unprecedented time of disruption, fear and isolation.

I wanted to give you updates on what is happening with our UUFEC community at this time.

Sunday Services: Our Sunday services anchor our consistency and tradition. … read more.