Author: UUFEC

May 1st, 2020 – Notes From the Journey

Given the tragedy and devastation of COVID there is real uncertainty about the shape of humanity’s future. The routines and structures of life will be forever impacted. There is opportunity for good things.

May the lesson be learned: Life is a sacred relatedness. Walls and divisions … read more.

April 24th, 2020 – Notes from the Journey

A message from Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, UUA President…

Someone said to me recently, “We pull through this by pulling together.” Those words have stayed with me. They remind me that I am not in this alone, that we are in this together, and that we are … read more.

April 17, 2020 – Notes from the Journey

The pollen is heavy. The pandemic news is dire. Leaders are making contradictory and confusing pronouncements. Isolation is demoralizing. Knowing the day of the week is a challenge. Anxiety about the future is overwhelming.

That’s the bad news.

Dedicated long suffering medical people. Faithful grocery employees, … read more.

April 10th, 2020 – Notes from the Journey

In the midst of the explosion of Spring, millions of earth’s people observe the season of Easter. A most sacred time.

A significant aspect of Holy Week: Palm Sunday to Easter is ‘Good Friday’. Unlike the Christian holidays of Easter and Christmas, Good Friday has not … read more.

Phone Tree

Taking care of our UUFEC community:
Say hi to your “Phone tree” caller

Our “phone tree” team has reached out to each UUFEC member and spoken with 80% of you. We aim to call weekly, or so, to make sure you are okay and know … read more.

April 2nd, 2020 – Notes From the Journey

The Reverend Doak M Mansfield

As I write this the beauty of an early Spring day is near awe inspiring. Cool with bright sunshine and very low humidity there is a clarity in the atmosphere that mocks the troubled ugliness of our human situation. 

The COVID 19 … read more.

UUFEC COVID Update 4/3/2020


As you all know, the COVID pandemic continues to impact the world around us with unfathomable disruption to our daily lives.  Everywhere. 

I want to give you an update of what UUFEC is doing in response to this situation.

Regarding our business functions, The Board … read more.