Author: UUFEC

Notes from Rev. Ruth August 13th, 2021

What a wonderful, busy week it’s been!

Thanks to Shari Allen & the Lauers for providing home hospitality while I hunted for new digs. Thanks to Jane Park, John Drury, Bill White, John Holt, Amy Weisberg and Josh Ashley for their time … read more.

Returning to Virtual Services for August

Dear Members and Friends of UUFEC,

Following the Monday Board meeting, we wanted to let you know of the decision to return to virtual services for the month of August.

We realize this is a disappointment to us all! We have been hoping that mass vaccination … read more.

Board of Trustees Meeting July 26th, 2021

The UUFEC Board of Trustees will hold its July (virtual) meeting at 6:32pm, on Monday, July 26 (the 4th Sunday of the month). Members are welcome to attend or suggest agenda items for our consideration. Please contact President Jane Park with any questions (

A letter from Reverend Ruth Vann Lillian

Reverend Ruth Vann Lillian
The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Tuscaloosa
6400 New Watermelon Road Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35409

July 15, 2021

Dear Friends,

I am writing to introduce myself and express my tremendous excitement at the prospect of joining you soon to begin our new shared ministry! … read more.

Board of Trustees Meeting June 21st, 2021

The UUFEC Board of Trustees will hold its June (virtual) meeting at 6:32pm, on Monday, June 21 (the THIRD Monday, instead of the usual 4th Sunday). Members are welcome to attend or suggest agenda items for our consideration. Please contact President Jane Park with any … read more.

General Assembly Update

General Assembly (GA) is the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). Participants worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through the democratic process.

Another Great Reason to ‘go’ to GA this year :
Joint Ware Lecturers are Stacey … read more.