Author: UUFEC

Congregational Meeting Report

Look at this crowd!

A big thanks to all who attended our congregational zoom meeting on April 25, including a few intrepid souls who joined by phone!
We have passed a budget for the fiscal year that began May 1. The slide show presented during … read more.

Reconnect and Renew: Spring Canvass

This year spring is bringing vaccinations and improving local COVID-19 indicators, as well as beautiful azalea blooms. And, spring still brings the annual pledge drive at UUFEC. Please be as generous as you are able in supporting our beloved congregation at this unique time. Members … read more.

Minister Search Survey

In the process of selecting a minister, the UUFEC ministerial committee would like to better understand what qualities the UUFEC congregation would like to see our minister embody. To that end, if you would like the UU ministerial committee to consider your answers, please respond … read more.

Opportunity Place February Update

Dear Friends,
Happy February! 2021 is off to a great start at Opportunity Place. This time last year, our board adopted the ambitious mission of ending homelessness for families and women in Okaloosa and Walton counties, and set in place a five year plan … read more.