Author: UUFEC

Rev. Ruth’s Reflections October 22nd, 2021

As we look toward a time in the not-too-distant future when we will gather in person again, I’d like to challenge everyone to think about how we will “Do church” differently.

Everyone has favorite memories of our pre-pandemic fellowship and a personal list of things … read more.

Rev. Ruth’s Reflections October 15th, 2021

October 11 was national Coming Out Day and I want to give a shout out to all the brave LGBTQ+ folk who proudly stepped forth to share with their family and friends their deepest, truest selves! Thanks to those who participated in our … read more.

Annual Fall Congregational Meeting – Nominations Open

UUFEC’S annual fall congregational meeting will be held by Zoom this year on Sunday, October 31, 2021 (time to be announced). The main purpose of this meeting will be to elect our Board Officers for the coming year. Nominations for open positions (President, Vice President, … read more.

Rev. Ruth’s Reflections October 8th, 2021

What an exciting and meaningful weekend we have scheduled!

Tonight is our Halloween Party for families and everyone who loves children! I will be attending as a pirate (think “Smee” from Peter Pan) and decorating my Prius hatch as a Monster … read more.

Rev. Ruth’s Reflections October 1st, 2021

Robert Hamma writes in Earth’s Echo of the power and immensity of the ocean and the genius and perfection of each water molecule.

Our small, brief lives are lived within the immensity. There is beauty in the smallness and there is beauty in the vastness. … read more.

Niceville Pride: October 9, 2021

Come show your support for our local LGBTQ community at the Niceville Pride walk on Saturday October 9. Events start at 9am at Niceville High School. There is plenty of time to show your support, before going to UUFEC to join the family of Daisy … read more.