Author: UUFEC

Help Keep UUFEC Clean

Help keep UUFEC clean: Please take any food home and do not bring items to church.
It took a big team effort to clean UUFEC and it will take a bigger team effort to keep it clean.

Food: Do not leave food in the kitchen. We look … read more.

Support UUFEC with AmazonSmile

$$$  AmazonSmile is an easy way you can help support our Fellowship every time you shop with Amazon, at no additional cost to you.  AmazonSmile will donate a portion of the eligible purchase price to the Fellowship when you check out.
How to use AmazonSmile … read more.

Rev. Ruth’s Reflections April 22nd, 2022

Some decisions are easy to make like selecting the firm fruit rather than squishy, to grab the umbrella when it rains, to say “yes” to a kind invitation and an open schedule.

Other decisions are incredibly difficult: Which will be better for the children – … read more.

A Thousand Thanks!


To the many who worked so hard to get our beautiful building into amazing condition to re-open! Wow! What a great job! What a great community!

– President Jane Park

Easter Lilies

Thanks to Judy Byrne Riley and Ellen Holt for arranging our beautiful Easter lilies. If you wish to purchase a lily for $10, please see Judy.

Rev. Ruth’s Reflections April 15th, 2022

Easter makes us UUs a bit nervous because it goes against our solid scientific foundation. What can the notion of resurrection possibly say to us? We know better, right?

We know that sometimes people who appear dead wake up. We know … read more.

April Share the Plate

Our charity organization for April, 2022 is “One Hopeful Place in Fort Walton Beach. Its mission is to be the front door into permanent housing and to end the cycle of homelessness of those experiencing housing loss in Okaloosa County.

Share the Plate donations and pledge … read more.

Rev. Ruth’s Reflections April 8th, 2022

As I view the overwhelming horror of the war in Ukraine, I find myself broken open, and this prayer from Ann Weems has spoken powerfully to me. May hope and love continue to rule our hearts!

In grace and wisdom,
Rev. Ruth

“I No Longer … read more.