Author: UUFEC

Introducing… UUFEC’s Search Committee

UUFEC is in search for a new minister. Your search committee is:

Kal Addams
Sarah Ford
Joshua Moore
Jane Park
Amanda Piburn

Right now we are:

Writing our “congregational profile” that prospective ministers review and
Planning a “congregational information meeting” for second hour August 25, 2024 to update you on our … read more.

Get ready for the August 20 Primary Election

Get ready for the August 20, 2024 Primary Election, which includes several non-partisan critical local races! Be on the lookout for a table with educational materials to help us all be engaged and educated citizens, with thanks to Judy Byrne Riley and Deborah Baker Rian.

Connect and Engage

Get involved in your fellowship: Sing in the UUFEC Choir; welcome visitors and new members through the Membership Committee; change the world with the Social Justice Team; help keep things beautiful with Building and Grounds.

Assemble Care Packages This Sunday June 9th, 2024

THIS SUNDAY, While you’re munching on tacos… Please join social justice co-chair Stacy Shanks in assembling care packages for our fellow humans who are unhoused. Stacy has all the needed materials! We just need “hands that are willing to serve” to put the items together.
… read more.

Sunday Service Leaders Needed

The Religious Services Committee is seeking enthusiastic, poised, energetic folk to lead Sunday morning worship services. Training provided. Contact Amanda Piburn through the fellowship office.