Ministry & Programs

We are currently in search of a new minister while our capable lay leaders guide us forward in our exciting programs and projects. Stay tuned for further developments! Read about our Search Committee.

Cecile Lindegren

Cecile Lindegren
Music Director

Cecile Lindegren has been a member of UUFEC since 1996, and became the Director of Music during the ministry of Rev. Harold Hawkins, after first serving 15 years as a volunteer accompanist. (more…)

Sarah Searfoss

Sarah Searfoss
Director of Religious Exploration

Sarah Searfoss is a full-time artist, museum professional, and the director and co-founder of the Crestview Artists’ Collective. She is heavily involved in bringing more arts & culture opportunities to the community, and is excited to bring her creative skill set to the Religious Exploration Assistant role. Sarah’s husband, Kyle, is a RPA sensor operator for the US Air Force, and she is delighted to have such a supportive partner. They both hope to be involved within the church when her husband’s deployment cycle ends.

Please contact Sarah with any questions about our children’s Religious Exploration program. (

Administration & Operations

Alyssa Hergert

Alyssa Hergert
Church Administrator

Alyssa Hergert has been working as your office administrator at UUFEC since 2024.

Phone: 850-678-7197 (more…)

Chris Jordan

Chris Jordan

While Chris no longer lives in Niceville, he still runs the website, as he has, with occasional breaks, since 2009. If you are interested in helping out, please join the Communication Committee!
