Cam Caley a Moonie?

July 2001

Cam Caley a Moonie?

I was working for the State HRS when the fellowship moved to the house on Carmel Dr., and put up the sign, “Unitarian Universalist Fellowship” in the front yard. A few weeks later, one of the approximately 60 people at the office got brave enough to ask me the question that ‘everyone wanted to know.’ “We’ve seen your car at that new church on Carmel. Are you a ‘Moonie’?” That was when the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, The Unification Church, was conducting mass weddings between strangers, recruiting so many young people, who were soliciting (begging) all over town. I got a good laugh out of it (still do), and an opportunity to educate a few people about the UU ‘faith’, as I understood it.