Rev. Ruth’s Reflections – May 17th, 2024

Rev. Ruth's Reflections Hello Emerald Coasters!

“Parting is such sweet sorrow . . .” Who can say it better?

There is great sweetness in remembering all the good of the last three years:

  • reopening the building and resuming services as the pandemic receded
  • the joy of worship together in word and song and occasional dance
  • the revival of our children’s and adult Religious Exploration
  • the repair and refurbishment of our lovely building
  • the renovation of the playground
  • all the new members who have swelled our ranks
  • the spiritual practice of generosity growing among you
  • the many connections made between minister and congregant

And there is sorrow in parting to go our separate ways. It feels good to know that if circumstances were different, I would stay longer and y’all would be glad to keep me. No pastorate or pastor is perfect, but we’ve done good work together to renew our congregation and further the UU mission on the Florida panhandle.

So keep on keeping on, my Friends! The need is always there and the good work for justice and loving community never ends!

I will hold you all in my heart and watch from a distance, hoping the very best for the UU Fellowship of the Emerald Coast!

In wisdom, grace & hope,

Rev. Ruth