Rev. Ruth’s Reflections – April 26th, 2024

Rev. Ruth's Reflections Hello Emerald Coasters!

Most people are mostly good most of the time.

This is one of my core beliefs in spite of some bad events in the past and because of many confirming experiences.

The various media outlets mostly report on the bad stuff. That’s an old story because folk are far more interested in people and events which are in some way threatening. To keep readership and ratings up and to make money from advertisers, news sources stick with reporting mostly the hard, painful, shocking stories.

We must not get sucked in by the illusion that human beings are somehow moving away from good intention and behavior toward a lesser, weaker, more malicious state. For every horrible event we hear about, there are millions of positive interactions between folk going about their daily lives. There is so much goodness and kindness going on that the news media consider it to be dangerously dull.

Yes, there are a few bad eggs out there, but as a percentage of the population, they are a small minority, as has always been the case. We can’t live in denial of the bad stuff, but we live happier, mentally healthier lives when we keep our perspective.

Most people are mostly good most of the time! I really believe this!

In wisdom, grace and hope,

Rev. Ruth