Rev. Ruth’s Reflections – August 18th, 2023

Rev. Ruth's Reflections Hello Emerald Coasters!

My first-born and I watched the sunset last night sitting on the beach.

I have enjoyed a lot of beach time with Liam during his 22 years. He still likes to grab a little bucket and spade from the “borrow bin” so he can dig in the sand and look for shells or catch things for closer observation before the release back into the waves. He and I are both happy to sit in the surf and absorb the experience. Some things seem to stay the same while others are obviously different.

I used to hold his little hand to steady him in the walk through the sand back to the car, and now he steadies me. I used to buckle him into a carseat and drive while he wiggled uncomfortably against itchy sand. Now he can drive while I squirm! Time doesn’t stand still.

Things are changing in our fellowship. I am now serving you at 1/4 time which changes not only how much time I have to do my work but also the work itself. Some things are the same like meeting with our leadership and preaching, but now I attend fewer meetings and only preach once a month.

I am still your minister, committed to this congregation, and available for the members’ pastoral needs with the help of the Caring Committee. And more of you are stepping up to volunteer in our various ministries.

UUFEC is growing and evolving, and it will take everyone’s help and support to keep us moving forward. Don’t forget that the panhandle needs the good news of a free faith community now more than ever! It is such a joy to be able to continue serving you all!

In wisdom and Grace,

Rev. Ruth