Rev. Ruth’s Reflections – February 10th, 2023

Rev. Ruth's Reflections

Here is a poem about finding welcome in a new community.
The Stranger Seeks Love

Did I reveal too much when you asked me how I am?
Isn’t this a space where I can say my truth,
Instead of just saying, ”Fine”?
I am never really fine.  Are you?
My days are filled with disorienting chaos, overwhelming surprises.
I am always in problem-solving mode.
Sometimes the most cheerful answer I have is,
“No piano fell on me yet today!”
I don’t need you to fix things, or make it all OK.
No one can do that.
I just need you to see me, look me fearlessly in the eye,
Clasp my hand warmly, and with a smiling shrug say,
“Well, OK.  I am glad you’re here!”

May you find welcome when you need it, and offer welcome when you can!
In wisdom and grace,
Rev. Ruth