Sunday Small Groups September Schedule

Silver Chalice“Second Hour” Adult Religious Exploration Discussion Groups Sundays 11:15 am – 12:15 pm

To advance our mission as a religious community, we gather in small groups every Sunday to explore spiritual growth, discuss the world we live in and support one another as we search for truth and meaning. These groups meet for about an hour, after fellowship over snack time. Click here or check us out on Facebook to see which groups are meeting this Sunday.

Do you have questions about 2nd hour? Are you interested in starting a new group? We can help!  Please direct any questions to Shar Farley.

September, 2022

September 2022 Groups & Facilitators Meeting Location
September 4th – 1st Sunday TED TALKS, led by Josh Ashley

Pagan Pathways, led by Trudie Griffin



Front of the Sanctuary

September 11th – 2nd Sunday Porch Swing, Your Response Please! led by Amy Weisberg

Buddhistarians, led by Bill Campbell

Choir Rehearsal

Front of Sanctuary



Harmony Room

September 18th – 3rd Sunday Porch Swing, Your Response, Please! led by Joshua Moore

Unquiet Meditations, led by Shar Farley

Front of Sanctuary



September 25th – 4th Sunday Reflections by Brother Toby, led by Jane Park

Extra, Extra, led by Rece Howley

Choir Rehearsal

Front of Sanctuary



Harmony Room