Rev. Ruth’s Reflections August 12th, 2022

Rev. Ruth's Reflections
I remember when I was a little girl and my parents took us to Mexico Beach for our summer vacation. My Dad was an amazing drip castle builder and he taught me the delicate process. Later, I taught my own son, Liam, who also loves the shore.

I also remember the challenge of getting through the breakers to the calmer swells. A wave would knock me down, sometimes filling my mouth and eyes with salty water and sand, and as I struggled back to feet, another wave would come along. I remember a feeling of panic, that I would never get back up and instead be washed away.

Well, it hasn’t happened yet! When I was young, my dad or mom would give me a hand to help me up, and more recently, my son Liam, now grown, offers me a steady arm.

And when life knocks me over and keeps washing over me as I struggle to get my feet under me, I know that feeling of panic threatening to overwhelm me. Then I turn to my family, my friends,my church community. I have found my footing, so far, and I haven’t been washed away yet!

Let us each be the steadying arm for one another when the surf is rough. Let no one get washed away!

In wisdom and grace,
Rev. Ruth