Rev. Ruth’s Reflections April 22nd, 2022

Rev. Ruth's Reflections

Some decisions are easy to make like selecting the firm fruit rather than squishy, to grab the umbrella when it rains, to say “yes” to a kind invitation and an open schedule.

Other decisions are incredibly difficult: Which will be better for the children – to stay married or separate? Should I accept a new job with more pay and benefits if it means leaving a town, friends, and family where I am very happy? Will the added months of pain and misery from chemo be better than a shorter, more comfortable remaining lifetime?

We can consider the matter from all sides, consult experts, seek friendly advice, pray, Google, roll dice, and in the end we must choose, or refrain from choosing which is also a default choice, and live with the consequences.

Sometimes we must make decisions as a group, and more is at stake, the consequences affect more people, and the responsibility for success or failure is shared. We do this in our fellowship. We elect leaders who make decisions on behalf of the whole group, and once a year, the whole group will make significant decisions which will affect the fellowship and its future.

So we must remember to trust each other and we must remind ourselves that we are in a covenantal relationship. We must work to keep both group and individual well-being in mind, and we must consider the future from the position of the present with learning from the past as we make decisions together.

Sometimes we’ll make mistakes and often we’ll get it right! Through it all, let it be said that together, we said “Yes” to life, to truth and especially to love!

In wisdom and grace,

Rev. Ruth