Results from Saturday

It was a beautiful, cool, clear spring day and a bigggg thank you goes to all who came out and raked, painted, planted and positioned stepping stones at the church last Saturday. Linda and David Carson raked the multitude of leaves in the children’s play area. Ella Farley raked up the John Sims garden and sign area, Lisa Farley and Denny Lauer scraped and painted the step railings. Abigail Calhoun (and little Flora) took care of the side box gardens, and Janet Chapman raked the back garden and planted new shrubs in front. The wonderful surprise of the day: John (a passerby), asked if we needed help, jumped in raking the back and Memorial Garden, then quietly left without leaving contact information. We are truly blessed to have such hard workers willing to give up their Saturday morning.

Sill to do: Haul away wood, trim large bush, paint metal table and chairs, beauify the back door. Power washing of the conrete areas(minus the parking lot) will be done professionally on April 1 st.