Rev. Ruth’s Reflections February 4th, 2022

Rev. Ruth's Reflections

I am worried about the situation in Ukraine. How can we as a global community still be tolerant of the invasion of one country by another? How can so many countries still be engaged in violent acts of domination toward their own citizens as well as those of neighboring nations? How can those in power in our own country continue to try to legitimize hate and bigotry?

Across the globe we are struggling with the dangerous and damaging misconception that the value of a human person is determined in comparison to other human beings. Many people persist in the belief that their own value depends on being “better than” others.

This way of thinking leads to seeing some people as worthless and disposable. This is at the root of all bigotry, all marginalization. This is the core of white supremacy culture, of classism and elitism, of sexism and anti-LGBTQ prejudice.

Until we see all human beings as born with the same intrinsic value, the same creational dignity, the evils of hate, violence and war in all their forms will continue.

Spread the word, UUs, about the inherent worth and dignity of every person! This is our first Principle!

In wisdom and grace,
Rev. Ruth