Turning the World Around: A UUnited Service

Flowers in Snow
Hosted by Auburn Unitarian Universalist Fellowship – AUUFUUCH (Unitarian Universalist Church of Huntsville) and 6 others (including UUFEC)

As we look toward the end of one of the most trying years of our lives, we can celebrate the things that do not change: that love is still stronger than hate, that hope will outlast despair, that we never travel the journey alone! We are connected as Unitarian Universalists within our congregations and across Alabama and Northern Florida, and throughout our nation. Let us celebrate our resilience and our hope for the tomorrows ahead!

Join us for this special UUnited service as ten congregations across Alabama and the Florida Panhandle join together to affirm that hope will guide the way!

Alabama and Gulf Coast Unitarian Universalists
We Would Be One: A UUnited Service
Sunday, November 29, 2020, 10:00 am

To access the service, visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JuZ82Rf98Y or dial-in by phone by calling  (646) 876-9923 or (312) 626-6799 and use meeting ID 709 250 6107.

Gathering Music                                                                                       UUCH Choir     

“You are Welcome Here” (John Schulz)                                                    UU Church of Huntsville                                                    

Opening Words                                                                        Amy Weisberg, Board of Trustees

Words by Nathan Ryan                                                         UU Fellowship of the Emerald Coast

Prelude                                                                                                 Kathy Fisher, Accompanist

“Prelude in C Minor” (Pachulski)                                                     UU Church of Huntsville

Chalice Lighting                                                                Claire Cesarini and Rachel Cuthkelvin

Words by Melanie Davis                                                                           UU Fellowship of Mobile

Lighting of the Advent Wreath                   Rev. Alice Syltie, Minister

                                                                                                                 UU Church of Pensacola

Hymn                                                                                                   Accompanist: Ken McGuire

“Now Let Us Sing”                                                       Technical:  Deb Crocker and Elliot Thomas

Vocals:  Deb Crocker, Elliot Thomas, April Trussell-Smith, & Ruth Vann Lillian

UU Congregation of Tuscaloosa   

Reflection                                                                                           Rev. Julie Conrady, Minister

                                                                                                               UU Church of Birmingham

Moment for All Ages                                    Matt Aspin, Acting Minister of Religious Exploration 

A is for Activist by Innosanto Nagara                                                           Auburn UU Fellowship                                                                                                                

Introduction to Offering                                                       Rev. Chris Rothbauer, Lead Minister

                                                                                                                     Auburn UU Fellowship

Today’s offering will go to support the Yellowhammer Fund.

To give to today’s offering, visit uucbham.org/donate

Offertory                                                                                                    AUUF Saints & Singers

“Each of Us Has a Light” (Albrecht & Althouse)                                    Martha Law, Choir Director

                                                                                                                     Auburn UU Fellowship                                                                           

Moment for Prayer and Meditation                                                         Jaimie Dingus, Minister

                                                                                                                  UU Church of Huntsville

Music for Meditation                                                              
Kathy Fisher, Accompanist

“Scheherazade” (Schumann)                                                   UU Church of Huntsville

Reading                                                                                             CJ Marbutt, Chair

“Waiting for Now” by Mandie McGlynn                                First Universalist Church of Camp HIll

Reflection                                                                                        Rev. Ruth Van Lillian, Minister

UU Congregation of Tuscaloosa                                                                                                                

Anthem                                                                             Alabama & Gulf Coast UU Virtual Choir

“Turn the World Around” 

Hymn                                                                                                   Accompanist: Ken McGuire

“I Know I Can”                                                              Technical:  Deb Crocker and Elliot Thomas

Vocals:  Deb Crocker, Elliot Thomas, April Trussell-Smith, & Ruth Vann Lillian                                   

UU Congregation of Tuscaloosa

Extinguishing the Chalice                                                      Toni Brooks, Program Coordinator

Words by Brian Kiely                                                                     UU Congregation of the Shoals

Benediction                                                                                 Rev. Lynn Hopkins, Minister

                                                                                                        UU Fellowship of Montgomery

Postlude                                                               Kathy Fisher, Accompanist

“To a Wild Rose” (Schumann)                                                   UU Church of Huntsville

Please join us following the service via Zoom for a virtual coffee hour!

https://uuma.zoom.us/j/898704351 or Meeting ID: 898 704 351

      By phone:  (646) 876-9923 or (312) 626-6799 and use meeting ID 898 704 351

Special Thanks to:

The ten Unitarian Universalist congregations from Alabama and the Florida Panhandle who came together to make this service possible.

Mike Walsh, Online Video Editor, UU Church of Birmingham, for the technical expertise that made this morning’s service possible.

All who participated in this morning’s virtual choir, and Darrell Crutchley and Martha Law, Auburn UU Fellowship, for the technical and musical expertise that made the choir possible. .

The ministers and lay leaders of the Auburn and Gulf Coast Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association cluster who coordinated, wrote, and delivered elements of this morning’s service.