July 19, 2004

Members Present: Carrie Keith, Andy Bergesen, Rod Debs, Richard Hoffert, Don Hawkins, Gary Collins, Lynn Roberts, Scotty Zilinski, and Judy Byrne Riley (presiding)
Members Absent: Mindy Graham, John Bacon, Dora Farmer, Melanie Harper
Others Attending: Daisy Horn

I. Approval of Minutes: Corrections made to name spellings, moved by Hoffert, seconded by Zilinski with changes. Passed

II. Treasurer’s Report: Presented by Collins. (see attached) Discussion about format as presented and line-item report given to board members. All board members have access to detailed budget but unless asked the treasurer will present Profit and Loss statements on year-to-date and past month. Collins reported that the ministerial line of the budget was $2000 over the contracted amount. The requested information from June on the financial outcome of the Beach Con was that the income was $185.40 over expenses, but some people had not turned in, nor intended to, their out-of-pocket expenses. The committee has two vacancies.

III. Events Coordinating Committee: Report presented by Committee Chair, Daisy Horn. A report of the committee was not given to the board members last month and the report was verbally given to Horn and a copy was given to Riley (see attached) and will be emailed to all board members. The committee has combined with the Building Use Committee to attempt at a “one-stop-shop” process and has changed their Policies and Procedures to reflect that inclusion. Now there is only the problem of having all members understand and abide by the process. There was a lengthy discussion on how the income and expenses should flow, or not flow, through the operating account of the fellowship, or whether each event should simply file a report to the finance committee detailing the events income and expenses. Hawkins was asked to take the issue to the Finance Committee and bring back a suggested policy next month for discussion and adoption, or not, by the board.

IV. Religious Education Committee: Report by Zilinski. There are two Adult Education classes currently, Bible Class and Life Craft Class. Adult R.E. plans on doing a BYOT in August, Ecology in September and Music in October. There is also a hope to the Cakes for the Queen of Heaven course again. There was no report on Children’s R.E.

V. Minister’s Update: Debs reported that he is still on “study leave” and thus involved with committee meetings, etc. but has no regular office hours.

VI. Finance Committee: Report by Hawkins. Reported that the question last month about the $50.00 charge per members from UUA is indeed a new amount charged for the UUA Fair Share contribution. A request that members fill out a voucher for any expense payment requested. The voucher forms are located in the office for easy access by all. Committee chairs were asked to follow that procedure.

VII. Committee on Ministry: Report by Riley. Riley presented the Policies and Procedures as passed by the COM earlier in the day at the COM meeting. It was explained that the changes requested by the board the last time the P and P was presented to the board had been made. Hoffert asked how the P and P were compiled and Riley explained that they were a combination of a UUFEC earlier version and some input from other as suggested by Debs who is and ex-officio member of the COM . Motion by Bergeson, second by Keith. Passed

VIII. New Business:
a. Memorial Book: Horn requested that the fellowship purchase and keep up-to-date a Memorial Book to have an official record of donations made to the church in honor of someone. Motion by Roberts, seconded by Keith. Passed.

b. Lightning Strikes: Zilinski asked for suggestions to help avoid the continual lightning strikes that the church has been having, with damage to HVAC and other equipment, causing havoc at services. Riley will ask Chris Dewey (Building and Grounds Committee) to look into the cost of a surge protector by Gulf Power, installed at the meter and the possibility of installing a grounding wire to the building.

c. Accompanist: Zilinski reported that the board should be aware that there may be a request for the church to hire an accompanist for Cecile when she has to direct the choir.

d. Endowment Fund Committee: Hawkins reported the committee will present their Policies and Procedures to the board for approval and will email a copy of it to each board member before the meeting so they can come prepared.

Meeting adjourned at 8:05 and moved to the Piper Room for a presentation to the members by Rod Debs, on behalf of the Growth Team and Sharleene Briggs, Chair. Members were asked to write down two positive feelings they experienced when they first visited a UU church. Next a 12 minute video was shown with Alice Mann explaining the differences between sizes of congregations the processes of growth.

Next meeting is on August 16, 2004.