June 21, 2004, 6:30 p.m.
Board Members attending: Lynn Roberts, Don Hawkins, Melanie Harper, Rod Debs, Mindy Graham, Gary Collins, John Bacon, Carrie Keith, Judy Byrne Riley
Board members absent: Richard Hoffert, Scotty Zilinsky, Dora Farmer, Andy Bergesen
Others attending: Karen Armstrong, Edward Farley, Mary Valdez, Nerissa Hill, Danyeal Phire, Michelle Bozeman, Chris Dewey, Sharlenne Briggs
Minutes from previous meeting: Judy moved to approve and Don seconded.
Gary passed out a profit & loss budget vs. actual statement for May 2004. He also passed out a profit & loss budget vs. actual statement from May 2004 through April 2005. There was discussion about the money spent on playground equipment for the nursery. Lynn moved to reimburse this expense item $308 and Don seconded.
Religious Education:
The teacher shortage was discussed and Karen proposed giving up her pay increase of five hours and paying two teachers instead. Gary moved that Karen should be given the five hours to utilize as she sees fit and bring her proposal in writing for the board to review. Melanie seconded.
Minister’s Update:
Rev. Debs will be going on vacation but can be reached on his cell. General Assembly is coming up. Judy moved that Erica Lindegren go as UUFEC’s official delegate. Mindy seconded. Rev Debs suggested that we give information about events as we get it to the nominating committee so they can find people to attend.
Finance Committee:
Don received some information regarding a fair share contribution of $50 to be given to UUA, due in the fall. This is $1,040 we have not budgeted for. He will look into this to get a better explanation.
New Business:
Sharleenne Briggs gave a presentation regarding members who attended the Raise the Roof conference in Atlanta. They have formed a committee called the Discovery Team that will be getting to know our dynamics and presenting their findings to long range planning. She provided a handout that outlined the committee’s activities and goals. Chris and Carol Dewey are the new coordinators for Dinners for 8. On July 10, the Southern Politics seminar will be held and the cost is $6 per person.
Old Business:
CUUPS: Mindy moved to accept CUUPs proposal and Melanie seconded. Rev. Debs suggested using the acronym to avoid persecution.
The next board meeting will be held on JULY 19, 2004, AT 6:30 P.M.